Monday, May 17, 2010

Fedor Demolished?

 "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"

Fedor v. the Reem should prove to be pretty good, if StrikeForce can make it happen.

Friday, May 14, 2010

HUGE spoilers for LOST.

Only read this if you want to know what is about to happen in the LOST universe.  I have read a full recap of the next episode: "What they died for" and here we go.

Remember - don't read any further unless you want to know some major spoilers...

The recap is found here:

After reading it some things appear clear...

- Richard appears to die at the hands of Smokie- mayeb he is still alive though?

- Widmore works for Jacob.  Jacob told him to bring Desmond back.

- Zoe dies at Flocke's hand

- Widmore dies at Ben's hand

- Ben is back in the Flocke camp

- Smokie IS Jacob's brother

- "They" all died to protect the island

- Kate is still a candidate.  Her name was crossed out when she became a mom to Aaron, but now she is back in the running. 

-  When Jacob asks for a volunteer to take his place, Jacks steps up and drinks the candidate kool-aid

-  ALT Locke come to Jack and says its fate - he should have the surgery

-  Flocke and Ben reach the well, Desmond is missing.  Ben asks about Desmond.  Flocke says that Widmore told him that Desmond is Jacob's "failsafe" - if the candidates refused to be the new guardian, Desmond could destroy the island.  Locke decides to use Desmond to do just that.

This all seems to jive with those finale script pages that got leaked and the call sheet that was left lying around.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

How a title fight should be...

Anderson Silva should learn a lesson from Machida/ Shogun 2.  Those guys delivered a great fight even if it only lasted one round.

Both men had obviously learned from their mistakes in their original confrontation.  I loved watching Shogun use his MMA Muay Thai aganist Machida - hopping front leg and all.  I also loved watching Machida check a low kick and follow-up with a karate kick of his own.

The knee that Lyoto delivered to Shogun's torso just before Shogun clipped him was brutal.

Warriors doing it how it should be done.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Major LOST Spoilers!

If you like to know whats gonna happen, read on. 

If you want to be surprised - stop here.

WARNING - Spoilers ahead!



6x14 - "The Candidate"
- A shocking episode with deaths

- MIB tricks Jack to take a backpack with explosive devices; the sub explodes

- Sun and Jin die

- Sayid redeems himself and is killed

- Widmore dies

- It is made to look as if Sawyer dies, but is saved by Jack

- Kate is shot by Zoe in shoulder

6x15 - "Across the Sea"
- Jacob and the boy in black arrive to the island 23 A.D.

- They are *not* one and the same person

- They are basically brothers who have the same mother, but there is a twist

- They become adversaries in their late 20s

- We see how the Smoke Monster was created

Adam and Eve...

- Adam and Eve are MIB and his mother

- Jacob put them in the cave

Finale Call Sheet and Script pages...